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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lots of interesting stuff in Google's "My Account"

According to Google... just go to

Control, protect, and secure your account, all in one place
My Account gives you quick access to settings and tools that let you safeguard your data, protect your privacy, and decide how your information can make Google services 

Idea for using Google Drive

Publishing Folders to Make Files Viewable on the Web
Google Drive allows you to publish folders on the web. This feature can be used to share useful information with others, including:

  • Announcements in PDF format to parents
  • Agendas for meetings
  • Registration and health forms
  • School policies with staff, students, and parents
  • Lesson plan repositories
  • Class notes and syllabi
  • Summer reading materials

Remember, you can always save your files as a .pdf format so anyone can read them! Just "File," "Download as..." and select .pdf.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Google Camp in Dansville Coming Up Soon!

Don't forget that NYSCATE is running a Google Camp in Dansville, NY on August 20th.

Click here to see the flyer and details: 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camp Google

I wish my kids were younger--this looks awesome! Camp Google. Ocean Week, Space Week. Nature Week, Music Week... everything with household supplies.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day Four!

... another module with CS-First, then on to Lego Robotics!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day Three!

Another project in CS-First, then we got the FInch Robots out. The girls had a blast and really got their robots doing some amazing things!

Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

ISTE supports a dedicated program for digital learning

The need to update the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, currently being referred to as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), has emerged as a pressing priority for both the Obama administration and education leaders in Congress. ESEA, which was signed into law in 2002 and has been due for reauthorization since 2007, is the major federal K-12 education law. It is imperative that digital learning be considered a priority within the updated law. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day One of G.E.T.T.

G.E.T.T. - Girls Empowered Through Technology!

Day one of the first of two all-girl's summer computer camp... and a great time was had by all!  We are using Google's CS-First program and the girls all had a blast today.  Thanks to our sponsors, Google, and our high school mentors. And thanks to the great group of girls that are giving us the opportunity to learn with them!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Making Flashcards --How easy is this???

I just discovered! So cool on a lot of levels. First, you can create flashcards and send them out to your class. Or a student can create their own flashcards. Or even better.... since it's created in a spreadsheet, SHARE the sheet with several students and have them create the class cards!

Just a few steps to create them. Copy the template, enter your own questions and answers, publish, and then share it out!

You can even use Flippity to create certificates and games!

You can find all the easy-to-follow instructions here:

Monday, July 6, 2015

Add-On for Docs for Over 1,000 Fonts!

Extensis is a free add-on for Docs that gives you 1,200 fonts to use in Docs. You access the fonts in the panel that opens within Docs. You can preview fonts alphabetically, by style or even by trend.

To access, go to "Add Ons" then "Get Add Ons" and search for "font."

Friday, July 3, 2015

Live a Balanced Life

From the very talented Sylvia Duckworth!  I love #11.


I just attended a great two-day conference on Google for Education. We learned a lot of new "tools" that make learning interactive, engaging and fun. But something else that I learned is that these are all tools. Tools for teachers and students to keep in their toolbox. But sometimes all these tools can become overwhelming, so why not keep it simple?  For instance, instead of using Thinglink to make your images interactive, use Google Draw!

Google Draw is my new favorite Google app.  It's Google's most overlooked feature and the more I learn about it, the more I find I can do with it. Posters, timelines, brochures, newletters, mindmaps, and yes--interactive images!